Three Exploratory Sessions
for prior/eligible Year 1 and Year 2 students of the Mediumship Mastery Program
Has Spirit been nudging you to re-engage with your mediumship and spiritual development? If so, you have a rare opportunity before you, to gain clarity as you dive deeply into your psyche and explore:
- Where you currently are on your spiritual path.
- The possibilities that await you (what your soul planned for this lifetime).
- How you can help yourself along the way by resolving inner resistance, clearing obstacles, and preparing for the next phase of your journey.
The goal for these sessions is for you to receive insights from your Higher Self that will help you gain clarity about how you are showing up in the world today. We're offering them now because the next Year Two offering of MMP is coming up soon, and Spirit has let us know that several of our prior Year 1 and Year 2 students have been experiencing some inner conflict between what you are currently doing and what you feel called to do - between playing it safe in life and living with passion.
And we want you to know that there's no wrong choice you can make; it's all a matter of timing. But here's the thing: if you've felt these kinds of nudges from your Soul, then it's a sign that now is a good time - and could possibly be the best time - even if you don't know how it will all work out.
Of course we believe that Year Two of our Mediumship Mastery Program could easily serve as that "best next step," whether you would be attending for the first time or as a review student. But even if if you were to discover during one of these sessions that your future lies in a totally different direction, we would consider that a positive outcome because you would have clarity and be better situated to pursue your true calling!
So rest assured, these sessions are not sales pitches for MMP. They are much like the Deep Dive Sessions we offer to individuals, only these will be facilitated online for small groups. This really is a rare opportunity - and you can thank Spirit for nudging us to offer these sessions now, just as they've been nudging us in so many ways to reconsider how we show up in the world.
DATES: Three Thursdays in August: 8/15/24, 8/22/24, and 8/29/24.
TIMES: 6:30 - 8:00 pm ET.
LOCATION: Online via Zoom.
FACILITATOR: Joanne Franchina.
PRICE: Free for prior Year One and Year Two students who are eligible to attend or review Year Two of the Mediumship Mastery Program. Note: Permission of instructor required.
REGISTRATION: Contact us to provide your current email address/mobile number so you can receive the Zoom meeting invitations - one will go out the morning/afternoon of each Thursday session.
JOANNE FRANCHINA is an intuitive life coach and the founder of Inner Compass and Inner Compass Academy. Joanne enjoyed a successful professional career as a technical writer and training course developer for 15 years before receiving her ministerial ordination and certifications in mediumship and spiritual healing from Fellowships of the Spirit in Lily Dale, New York. For the past 15 years, Joanne has coached thousands of people in how to navigate major life changes, explore their spiritual path, use their intuition, cultivate fulfilling relationships, and find meaningful work. She has taught thousands more in workshops on meditation, mediumship development, creative manifestation, and other metaphysical disciplines.
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