Pranic Healing Practice Circle
In this circle, you'll apply the principles and practices you learned in Level 1 of Pranic Healing.** Each circle begins with a group Twin Hearts meditation, followed by practice time when participants will apply various Pranic Healing techniques while following the protocols covered in the Level 1 workshop.
Our focus will be on technique, to help you build even greater confidence in your ability to produce positive results. We will practice: * Step-by-step protocols for common ailments such as back pain, migraine, stomach pain, asthma, and heart ailments, * Energetic anatomy, * Self-healing, * Distant healing, * Preventive healing, * and more.
** Note: For graduates of Pranic Healing Level 1; permission of facilitator required to join. Those who have taken Level 2 or higher may also join us, and either practice separately from the Level 1 graduates, or practice with the Level 1 graduates using the techniques learned in Level 1. And you are welcome whether you attended Level 1 at Inner Compass or some other venue...
...And, please note also that this circle is not a Pranic Healing Clinic in which people from the general public attend in order to receive individual healings. Inner Compass has reinstated the Clinic on a quarterly basis beginning June 2024, and several of our Practice Circle participants do participate in the Clinic as healers and/or recipients, but that is managed as a separate offering from this Practice Circle.
DATE/TIME: Second Monday most months, 7 - 9 PM (some exceptions; see details below).
LOCATION: Some online, some in person (see details below).
Note: In-person circles may be in either our office or the main classroom in our office complex (see email). FACILITATOR: Joanne Franchina.PRICE: $15 donation.***
REGISTRATION: Space very limited; pre-registration and payment is required (below) for all circles; when you register you will receive emails that go out a day or so before each circle so you can stay informed with details about upcoming circles and related events. Note: For graduates of Pranic Healing Level 1; permission of facilitator required to join.
IN-PERSON: In-person events are conducted at the Inner Compass office in Cincinnati, Ohio (specific address will be provided in an email); read our current policies before registering for an event.
ONLINE: Online events are conducted in our virtual Zoom classroom; please read our suggestions for setting up your home space for the best experience.
*** Note: This is a donation circle; $15 is suggested but you may donate more or less (use the Paypal button below to donate the suggested amount; there will be a collection basket at the door of in-person circles). All monies received will in turn be donated to an organization associated with Pranic Healing.
Tentative Dates/locations of Pranic Healing Practice Circles and Pranic Healing Clinics
January 13: online
February 10: online
March 3 (1st Mon): online April 14: in-person: Pranic Healing Clinic
May 12: online
June 9: in-person: Pranic Healing Clinic
July 15 (3rd Tue): online
August 11: online
September 15 (3rd Mon) in-person: Pranic Healing Clinic
October 13: online
November 10 online
December 15 (3rd Mon) in-person: Pranic Healing Clinic
Currently, pre-registration is required for all Inner Compass events. With limited seating at our in-person events, and additional preparations to complete in advance of our online events, we need some lead time to ensure we will have the appropriate materials and a comfortable space all ready for you.
The registration process is fairly simple and requires two things: a completed registration form and your payment, if applicable (exception: for in-person circles, you may bring your payment with you to the circle).
Note: Please register only one person per registration form. If you are registering on behalf of another person such as a family member or friend, that person's contact information (name, email address, and phone number) must be provided.
Note: Please register only one person per registration form. If you are registering on behalf of another person such as a family member or friend, that person's contact information (name, email address, and phone number) must be provided.
Step 1
Regardless of your payment method: complete the online registration form below and click the Register button.
Step 2
To pay via Paypal: After you have clicked the Register button, click the Buy Now button below the online registration form, then pay online via secure Paypal.
To pay via check or cash (in-person circles only), simply bring your donation with you to the circle for which you pre-registered.
Note: Inner Compass LLC is not a non-profit entity; donations are not tax-deductible.
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