Spiritual Mastery
May 17, 2017
"You can accomplish a hundred other things but if you do not accomplish the one thing for which you have been sent, it will be as if you have done nothing."
Let's get straight to it. If you are "on the path," if you are a seeker of truth, if you are driven by an inner desire to live your sacred purpose (even if you don't yet know what that purpose may be), if you want to be of service to humanity, if you know deep within yourself that you are destined to share your spiritual gifts - then the Masters may be calling to you.
Meet the Masters
Throughout history, higher energies known as the Ascended Masters have brought accelerated spiritual growth and insight to humanity. These energies are available to all who seek guidance, intercession, and spiritual progression.
The problem is, it can be challenging to sift through the available materials on the subject. The most reliable modern texts originated with the Theosophical movement of the late nineteenth century, and were written for an earlier readership. Plus, these esoteric teachings were - well, esoteric - designed for those individuals who had already been initiated.
I count myself fortunate to have been introduced to these materials by a wonderful teacher, passionate researcher, and brilliant medium, Sharon Anne Klingler. Her class in August 2003 was my second-ever formal course of instruction in any metaphysical topic. I sometimes wonder, What was I thinking? to have signed up for a five-day intensive workshop on such a difficult subject about which I had no prior knowledge. But it was pure intuition that led me there.
It was intuition that led me to further studies (continuing to this day and beyond) that delve even deeper and broader through the teachings on the Ascended Masters, the Seven Rays, and the Process of Initiation. And it was intuition that led me to co-develop an introductory workshop with my office partner, Rose Vanden Eynden.
The problem is, it can be challenging to sift through the available materials on the subject. The most reliable modern texts originated with the Theosophical movement of the late nineteenth century, and were written for an earlier readership. Plus, these esoteric teachings were - well, esoteric - designed for those individuals who had already been initiated.
I count myself fortunate to have been introduced to these materials by a wonderful teacher, passionate researcher, and brilliant medium, Sharon Anne Klingler. Her class in August 2003 was my second-ever formal course of instruction in any metaphysical topic. I sometimes wonder, What was I thinking? to have signed up for a five-day intensive workshop on such a difficult subject about which I had no prior knowledge. But it was pure intuition that led me there.
It was intuition that led me to further studies (continuing to this day and beyond) that delve even deeper and broader through the teachings on the Ascended Masters, the Seven Rays, and the Process of Initiation. And it was intuition that led me to co-develop an introductory workshop with my office partner, Rose Vanden Eynden.
Working with the Ascended Masters
Inner Compass Academy is pleased to present Working with the Ascended Masters on Saturday & Sunday, May 27-28 (2017). In this experiential and interactive workshop, we have attempted to cull both the "big picture" of your potential place in the higher plan of the universe, as well as practical ways to infuse your everyday life with some of the sacred truths attributed to these Masters. And we have done our best to get out of our own ways, to be inspired by the Masters, and to create a transformative experience for you.
The only remaining question is, Are you ready to answer the Masters' call? If you are feeling a gentle pull towards this experience, then spend some time in quiet reflection and let your intuition guide you.